Code 401 Reading Notes
code fellows software development 401 course: Advanced Software Development
- Day 0: Read: 00 - Prep: Practice in the Terminal
- Day 0: Read: 00 - Prep: The Growth Mindset
- Day 0: Read: 00 - Prep: SQL practice
- Day 1: Read: 01 - Big O Notation
- Day 2: Read: 02 - Readings: Testing and Modules
- Day 2: Read: 02 - Engineer Reading Notes
- Day 3: Read: 03 - Readings: FileIO & Exceptions
- Day 4: Read: 04 - Python class and object
- Day 5: Read: 05 - Linked list
- Day 6: Read: 06 - Random, test coverage and DI
- Day 7: Read: 07 - Python Scope
- Day 8: Read: 08 - List Comprehensions in Python
- Day 9: Read: 09 - Forms
- Day 10:Read: 10 - Stack and Queue
- Day 11:Read: 11 - JupyterLab, NumPy
- Day 12:Read: 12 - Pandas
- Day 13:Read: 13 - Linear Regression
- Day 14:Read: 14 - Matplotlib
- Day 15:Read: 15 - Tree
- Day 16:Read: 16 - Serverless Functions
- Day 17:Read: 17 - Web scraping
- Day 18:Read: 18 - Readings: Cryptography
- Day 19:Read: 19 - Automation
- Day 26:Read: 26 - Django
- Day 27:Read: 27 - Django models
- Day 28:Read: 28 - Django CRUD and Forms
- Day 29:Read: 29 - Django Custom User
- Day 31:Read: 31 - Django REST Framework & Docker
- Day 32:Read: 32 - Django REST Framework permission
- Day 33:Read: 33 - Authentication & Production Server
- Day 34:Read: 34 - Django API Deployment
- Day 35:Read: 35 - Graph
- Day 36:Read: 36 - Whiteboard interview advices
- Day 37:Read: 37 - React 1
- Day 38:Read: 38 - React 2
- Day 39:Read: 39 - React 3
- Day 41:Read: 41 - Dynamic & deployment
- Day 42:Read: 42 - Dunder, iter and generators
- Day 43:Read: 43 - ethics
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