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Throttling is similar to permissions, in that it determines if a request should be authorized. Throttles indicate a temporary state, and are used to control the rate of requests that clients can make to an API.
Authentication is the mechanism of associating an incoming request with a set of identifying credentials, such as the user the request came from, or the token that it was signed with.
Permission checks are always run at the very start of the view, before any other code is allowed to proceed. Permission checks will typically use the authentication information
Permission in REST Framework ary defined as a list of permission class.
REST Framework support object-level permission, it used to determine if a user should be allowed to act on a particular object. normally a model instance.
API reference
: unrestricted accessIsAuthenticated
: to authorized,registered user.IsAdminUser
: for admin user, user.is_stuff is tree.IsAuthenticatedOrReadOnly
: unauthorized user to only perform safe methods.DjangoModelPermissions
: Authorization will only be granted if the user is authenticated and has the relevant model permissions assigned.DjangoObjectPermissions
: allows per-object permissions on models.Custom permissions
: implement a custom permission, override BasePermission and implement either, or both.- .has_permission(self, request, view)
- .has_object_permission(self, request, view, obj)
REST framework access restriction methods
queryset permission_classes serializer_class
Action: list global global object-level*
Action: create no global object-level
Action: retrieve global object-level object-level
Action: update global object-level object-level
Action: partial_update global object-level object-level
Action: destroy global object-level no
Can reference action in decision no** yes no**
Can reference request in decision no** yes yes