A command line, or terminal, is a text based interface to the system. You are able to enter commands by typing them on the keyboard and feedback will be given to you similarly as text.
The command line typically presents you with a prompt. As you type, it will be displayed after the prompt. Most of the time you will be issuing commands.
show current locaton: pwd
show content in current location: ls
change direcories: cd
/etc: stores config files for the system
/var/log: store log files for various stystem programs
/bin: the location of serveral commonly used programs
/usr/bin: another location for programs on the systems
Everything is a file
Linux is an extensionless system
linux is case sensitive
Hidden files and directories
The manual pages are a set of pages that explain every command available on your system including what they do, the specifics of how you run them and what command line arguments they accept.
man -k search
mkdir - make a directory
rmdir - remove a directory
touch - create a blank file
cp source destination - copy source to destination
mv source destination - mv source to destination
mv foo foo1 - rename foo to foo1
rm file - remove/delete a file
rm -r - r means direcotry
Where am I in the system?
ls [path]
Perform a listing of the given path or your current directory.
Common options: -l, -h, -a
cd [path]
Change into the given path or into your home directory.
A description of where a file or directory is on the filesystem.
Absolute Path
One beginning from the root of the file system (eg. /etc/sysconfig ).
Relative Path
One relative to where you currently are in the system (eg. Documents/music ).
~ (tilde)
Used in paths as a reference to your home directory (eg. ~/Documents ).
. (dot)
Used in paths as a reference to your current directory (eg. ./bin ).
.. (dot dot)
Used in paths as a reference to your current directories parent directory (eg. ../bin ).
TAB completion
Start typing and press TAB. The system will auto complete the path. Press TAB twice and it will show you your alternatives.
Vi / Vim
View our Vim Cheat sheet
May be used anywhere in any path.
Zero or more characters (eg. b*).
Single character (eg. file.???).
[ ]
Range (eg. b[aio]t).
Show the first n lines.
Show the last n lines.
Sort lines in a given way.
How many words, characters and lines.
Search for a given pattern.
Useful Commands
du -sh ./*
Find the size of every directory in your current directory.
df -h
Display how much disk space is used and also free.
basename -s .jpg -a *.jpg | xargs -n1 -i cp {}.jpg {}_original.jpg
Make a copy of every jpg image file in the current directory and rename adding _original.
find /home -mtime -1
Find all files in the given directory (and subdirectories) which have been modified in the last 24 hours.
shutdown -h now
Shutdown the system. (Replace -h with -r for reboot.)
More About Files
file [path]
Find out what type of item a file or directory is.
Spaces in names
Put whole path in quotes ( " ) or a backslash ( \ ) in front of spaces.
Hidden files and directories
A name beginning with a . (dot) is considered hidden.
Manual Pages
man <command>
View the man page for a command.
man -k <search term>
Search for man pages containing the search term.
Press q to exit man pages
File Manipulation
mkdir <directory name>
Create a directory
rmdir <directory name>
Remove a directory (only if empty).
touch <file name>
Create a blank file.
cp <source> <destination>
Copy the source file to the destination.
mv <source> <destination>
Move the source file to the destination.
May also be used to rename files or directories.
rm <path>
Remove a file or directory.
Common options: -r -f
r (read) w (write) x (execute)
Owner or User, Group and Others
ls -l [path]
View the permissions of a file or all items in a directory.
chmod <permissions> <path>
Change permissions. Permissions can be either shorthand (eg. 754) or longhand (eg. g+x).
Piping and Redirection
Redirect STDOUT to a file.
Append STDOUT to the end of a file.
Redirect the STDERR to a file.
Pass the contents of a file to a program as STDIN.
Feed the STDOUT of the program on the left as STDIN to the program on the right.
Process Management
Cancel the currently running process.
kill <process id>
Cancel the given process.
Include the option -9 to kill a stubborn process.
Obtain a listing of processes and their id's.
Including the option aux will show all processes.
Pause the currently running process and put it in the background.
See a list of current processes in the background.
fg <job number>
Move the given process from the background to the foreground.