
Software Development Reading Notes

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SQL Learning Notes

Will gradually added tips/formulas to this notes.

Introduction to SQL

SQL Lesson 1: SELECT queries 101

SQL Lesson 2: Queries with constraints (Pt. 1)

SQL Lesson 3: Queries with constraints (Pt. 2)

SQL Lesson 4: Filtering and sorting Query results

SQL Review: Simple SELECT Queries

SQL Lesson 6: Multi-table queries with JOINs


SQL Lesson 8: A short note on NULLs

SQL Lesson 9: Queries with expressions

SQL Lesson 10: Queries with aggregates (Pt. 1)

SQL Lesson 11: Queries with aggregates (Pt. 2)

SQL Lesson 12: Order of execution of a Query

SQL Lesson 13: Inserting rows

SQL Lesson 14: Updating rows

SQL Lesson 15: Deleting rows

SQL Lesson 16: Creating tables

SQL Lesson 17: Altering tables

SQL Lesson 18: Dropping tables

SQLbolt completion screenshot