A graph is a non-linear data structure; a collection of nodes that connected by edges.
- undirected: edges has no direction or bidirectional.
- Directed: edges have arrow directions
- completed: all nodes are connected to all other nodes.
- connected: all nodes have at one edge.
- disconnected: at least one node have no edge
- Acyclic: tree
- cyclic: start and end the same node
- Breadth first: similar to the tree structure
- Depth first: traversal uses a stack to visit all sub nodes.
Real world Graph data structures:
- GPS and mapping
- social networks
- airline traffics
- some customer recommendation algorithms
Graph DS implementations cheatsheet:
A graph data structure (V, E) consists of:
- A collection of nodes or vertices (V)
- A collection of paths or edges (E)
You can manage the graph data structures using the common operations mentioned below.
- contains - It checks if a graph has a certain value.
- addNode - It adds vertices to the graphs.
- removeNode - It removes the vertices from the graphs.
- hasEdge - It checks if a path or a connection exists between any two vertices in a graph.
- addEdge - It adds paths or links between vertices in graphs.
- removeEdge - It removes the paths or connections between vertices in a graph.