
Software Development Reading Notes

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Read: Class 11 NoSQL

 Relational vs No-relational   structured data vs unstructured data   vertically scalable vs  horizontally scalable  SQL query vs  uNQL query

NoSQL, also referred to as “not only SQL”, “non-SQL”, is an approach to database design that enables the storage and querying of data outside the traditional structures found in relational databases.

NoSQL databases store data in documents rather than relational tables. Accordingly, we classify them as “not only SQL” and subdivide them by a variety of flexible data models. Types of NoSQL databases include pure document databases, key-value stores, wide-column databases, and graph databases.

MongoDB stores data records as documents (specifically BSON documents) which are gathered together in collections. A database stores one or more collections of documents.

NoSQL databases don’t have the reliability functions which Relational Databases have (basically don’t support ACID).