Readings: REST
- Who is Roy Fielding?
He helped write the first web servers, that sent documents across the internet…
and then he did a ton of research explaining why the web works the way it does.
His name is on the specification for the protocol that is used to get pages from servers to your browser.
- Why don’t the techniques that we use today work well when we need to be able to talk to all of the machines in the world?
They didn't have a URL
- What is the HTTP protocol that Fielding and his friends created?
is all about applying verbs to nouns
- What does a GET do?
The GET method is used to retrieve data from the server. This is a read-only method, so it has no risk of mutating or corrupting the data.
- What does a POST do?
The POST method sends data to the server and creates a new resource. The resource it creates is subordinate to some other parent resource.
When a new resource is POSTed to the parent, the API service will automatically associate the new resource by assigning it an ID (new resource URI).
In short, this method is used to create a new data entry.
- What does PUT do?
The PUT method is most often used to update an existing resource. If you want to update a specific resource (which comes with a specific URI),
you can call the PUT method to that resource URI with the request body containing the complete new version of the resource you are trying to update.
- What does PATCH do?
The PATCH method is very similar to the PUT method because it also modifies an existing resource. The difference is that for the PUT method,
the request body contains the complete new version, whereas for the PATCH method, the request body only needs to contain the specific changes to the resource,
specifically a set of instructions describing how that resource should be changed, and the API service will create a new version according to that instruction.
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