
Software Development Reading Notes

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Headings h

HTML has six “levels” of headings: h1 is used for main headings h2 is used for subheadings If there are further sections under the subheadings then the h3 element is used, and soon…

Paragraphs p

To create a paragraph, surround the words that make up the paragraph with an opening <p> tag and closing </p> tag.

bold and italic. By enclosing words in the tags and we can make characters appear bold. The element also represents a section of text that would be presented in a visually different way (for example key words in a paragraph) although the use of the element does not imply any additional m

By enclosing words in the tags and we can make characters appear italic. The element also represents a section of text that would be said in a different way from surrounding content — such as technical terms, names of ships, foreign words, thoughts, or other terms that would usually be italicized.

The element is used to contain characters that should be superscript such as the suffixes of dates or mathematical concepts like raising a number to a power such as 22 . The element is used to contain characters that should be subscript. It is commonly used with foot notes or chemical formulas such as H20.

Line Breaks & Horizontal Rules Strong & Emphasis quatations Abbreviations & Acronyms

HTML elements are used to describe the structure of the page (e.g. headings, subheadings, paragraphs). X They also provide semantic information (e.g. where emphasis should be placed, the definition of any acronyms used, when given text is a quotation)

A CSS rule contains two parts: a selector and a declaration.

object and methonds javascript runs in HTML. JS ABC if statements /**/ comments variable declaration data types rules for naming variables arrays [] operators functions objects methods

Functions allow you to group a set of related statements together that represent a single task. Functions can take parameters (informatiorJ required to do their job) and may return a value. An object is a series of variables and functions that represent something from the world around you. In an object, variables are known as properties of the object; functions are known as methods of the object. Web browsers implement objects that represent both the browser window and the document loaded into the browser window. JavaScript also has several built-in objects such as String, Number, Math, and Date. Their properties and methods offer functionality that help you write scripts. Arrays and objects can be used to create complex data sets (and both can contain the other).

A script is made up of a series of statements. Each statement is like a step in a recipe. Scripts contain very precise instructions. For example, you might specify that a value must be remembered before creating a calculation using that value. Variables are used to temporarily store pieces of information used in the script. Arrays are special types of variables that store more than one piece of related information. JavaScript distinguishes between numbers (0-9), strings (text), and Boolean values (true or false). Expressions evaluate into a single value. Expressions rely on operators to calculate a value.